Friday, April 8, 2011

Old Wives Tales and Such

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You know all my life, I've heard "life is short"....Being 54 all of a sudden, has made me do some thinking about other old sayings that my grandmothers said over the years.....

My grandmother's were wonderful women, each in their own way.  Strong, women who lived and taught me life lessons, without even being aware of it.  Just by living and talking...they passed on a wealth of family history, customs and values....and knowledge....Some of these old sayings were comforting....or enlighting, and some were frightening....Do they hold truths that our modern world has swept to the side?  Do we do it at our own peril?  Hmmmmm....

A bird in the house is a sign of a death
Do not lean a broom against a bed. The evil spirits in the broom will cast a spell on the bed.
If you sweep trash out the door after dark, it will bring a stranger to visit.
Never take a broom along when you move. Throw it out and buy a new one.
If you're having a run of bad luck at your house, take your broom, sweep from the back of the house to the front, and out the door...this will sweep the bad luck out the door.
To prevent an unwelcome guest from returning, sweep out the room they stayed in immediately after they leave.
If a white butterfly or moth tries to fly in your house, it's a sign of a death.
If the first butterfly you see in the year is white, you will have good luck all year.
Mirrors in a house with a corpse should be covered or the person who sees himself will die next.
All windows should be opened at the moment of death so that the soul can leave.
Pulling out a gray or white hair will cause ten more to grow in its place
Ivy growing on a house protects the inhabitants from witchcraft and evil.
It is unlucky to see your face in a mirror by candlelight
An onion cut in half and placed under the bed of a sick person will draw off fever and poisons
Sparrows carry the souls of the dead, it's unlucky to kill one.
You can tell what kind of husband a man will make by how he treats his mother.
To drop a comb while you are combing your hair is a sign of a coming disappointment.
These are just a few of the old wives tales I've found...there are, of course variations and many many more.
I love reading about wives tales, and folklore, and folk magic....Could we be ignoring these old adages to our peril?  I don't know...hmmmm.

For a fabulous Blog on Old Appalacian remedies and receipes Check out the Blind Pig and the Acorn

Honesty. Pro or against.

That word sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

Ok, it's suppose to. Honesty is the best policy, we've all been told since childhood. But what happens if honesty winds up hurting someone for no reason? Is it morally right to be honest, and tell someone that, say, their hair is stringy, the wrong color, or that they look fat, or sloppy, or need a new anti-wrinkle cream? Are these types of honesty statements better left unsaid? Well, let's examine.

What is the motivation for the statement. Are you using it as a weapon, to put someone down. What are you using as a moral compass? Does it make you feel superior? If it does, I don't feel you're the one to inform someone of these shortcomings. But then, what if it's true, and if the person doesn't know, it's actually hurting them, either in career, or social life? I still don't think, if you're getting enjoyment out of it, that you are the one to tell them. Saying it "for my own good", just doesn't gloss it over.

What if you work for a friend, and they're not doing a good job. Where do you step in, or do you? Do you let the chips fall as they may? Maybe the job they're doing, isn't what they should be doing. Maybe everyone needs to find these things out for themselves. But I'm telling you, as angry as I may get at hearing negative things about myself, I hate being blindsided. So. . .

I'm not sure how I really feel about honesty...I want to say I'm for it.  But there are so many people with so many opinions of what is right and wrong, that I have really come to feel that sometimes I just want you to keep your honesty to yourself...I don't want to know that you think my haircolor is brassy, not when others like it.  I don't want to know that you think I'm fat...not when my husband loves the curves.  I don't need to know you're having an affair,and you put me in the middle of your drama.  Leave me in the dark about all those honest opinions unless I ask...


Monday, September 28, 2009


My mother hates the autumn. Life, to her is represented in the green lushness of the spring and summer. The changing and the soon falling leaves, to her only represent an end.....death.....not so with me...or not exactly, and not without joy, or at least anticipation.

The autumn is a beautiful change....a brief interlude between the hot sticky summer, and the wet cold stark winter....It's my favorite season, albiet brief. I need it. I need the respit...and time to adjust, and prepare for  the coming cold. I revel in the glory of the colors....the cool breezes...the smell of burning leaves....The energy.

I guess, at 53, this is my autumn...perhaps in some ways, this is my favorite time of my life.  I'm more colorful than I use to be......less conservative in speech, tending to speak my mind more than I use to.  Maybe it's the knowledge that my leaves, though bright now, will soon be falling....leaving me perhaps a bit naked.....vulnerable....and closer to my own ending....
But there is always the fire in this season....the burning of the old and no longer needed...a certain freeing from the past....a preparation for the transformation to come....the wait.....Don't misunderstand me...this is not sad for me....I am not so evolved that I am fearless....but evolved enough to know it awaits non the less, and to not prepare is rather foolish....just as wildlife prepares for the long must we all.....

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

William Emmett Barritt

This next month, August, on the 14th day, marks the 39th anniversary of the death of William Emmett Barritt my husbands father who died way too young.
In his honor,I'm reposting this memorial, that I wrote last year.

I just read a fantastic writing by Maximus called, a letter from vietnam, and I’ve got that sting of tears….beautiful Max…..

Let me tell you why this is special to me…....
William Emmett Barritt, Bill, was my husband’s father…
Bill was a preacher. He was a son of a real life cowboy. He was the brother of two rowdy men. He played guitar and sang. He was a young father. He was a soldier, a gunner on a helicopter.
He would sing and play, the guitar, for the younger (!!!! he was 24 when he died) boys when they were scared, over there with the heat, and the rain, and noise, the horror and the screams…..he would play songs of faith, and love, and peace, home, family ….....
Bill made it through his first tour, and re enlisted. He didn’t make it home this time. His helicopter went down and caught on fire…..he made it out unhurt…..but he had buddies back inside the burning helicopter…....and he went back in…......and got badly burned…....he died from infection and complication of his wounds…..
Several of the men who served with him, remember him still. Several have contacted my husband and relayed stories that Christopher will always treasure….

Judi Taylor
That is beautiful, Ginger … This is a lovely memorial.
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Ginger Barritt replied
Hi, Judi! Thank you, Sweetie….I’ve got to see what you’ve been up to…..

Troy W. Smith
What an aweful way to die. But he died doing what most of us would do if in the same situation. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Ginger Barritt replied
You know what Troy….I think this is what is so right with most humans. You’re right….most people, would do whatever they could for their friends and family. It’s just not often we hear the stories of the good side of people.
bev langby
wow what a hero and there are many that we dont hear about, so thanks for sharing Bills with us …..........

Ginger Barritt replied
Thank you again, Bev….LOL…I think I’m through writing for tonight!!!!
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Christopher Bi...
i can really feel the admiration through this piece, he sounds like someone you would have definitely wanted to have with you in those terrible situations.
Such a complicated thing, isn’t it….the violent side of life and death….. The honor, the horror, the valor, and the inhumanity?
Aww great memorial to an angel sweetheART ;}x happy hippy hugglez
Thank you, Val….Love seeing you!
wow ginger true hero of battle bill was ive read some books on the helicopter pilots and gunners and such in vietnam as my dad was there and he has stax of books on vietnam they where real legends them boys in the choppers like super legends Bill sounded a real champion bloke and s hello and hope your doin well Boing

You’re BOING???? I’m so glad to see you!!!!

name change was bored haglad to see you to mate hopes ya `all good

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